Man who adopted the world. Muhammad PBUH

Man who adopted the world. Muhammad PBUH

Man who adopted the world. Muhammad PBUH

          Man who adopted the world, Muhammed PBUH was born approximately 570 CE (Year of the Elephant) in the city of Mecca. His father has died before was born. His mother has died at the age of six. Later he was raised under the care of his paternal grandfather Abd al-Muttalib, and upon his death, by his uncle Abu Talib.
        He periodically secludes himself in a mountain cave named Hira. At the age of 40, Muhammed PBUH reported being visited by Gabriel in the same cave Hira. At that time he received the first revelation from God. He started preaching these teachings publicly that "God is One", that complete "submission" (Islam) to God. He is the messenger, a prophet of God. 
      Verses of the Quran, words of God, the revelation from God, that Muhammad PBUH reported receiving until his death. At the age of 62, Muhammad PBUH fell ill and suffered for several days with fever, head pain, and weakness. And the man who adopted the world died on Monday, 8 June 632, in Medina, in the house of his wife Aisha. At the time he dies his head rested on Aisha's lap, he asked her to dispose of his last worldly goods (seven coins).
         Muhammad PBUH mercy (rahmatul lil alamin) to mankind, What makes him rahmatul lil alamin.  Mercy to the entire world. Not just to the Muslims but to the non-Muslims. Not just to the Arabs but to everyone that has ever walked the face of this planet. Not just to the animals but to the environment.  What makes him so special? There are many things. But amongst those things is that the prophet PBUH took up the causes of people that he could have conveniently ignored. And it would not have affected him. The messenger PBUH belonged to the noblest tribe in Mecca. But that did not stop him from advocating on the part of those who were tribeless or belonged to the tribes that were oppressed.

Man who adopted the world. Muhammad PBUH

Mercy to orphans

         Let us see some glimpse of his life who himself was an orphan but adopted the world. Once, Prophet Muhammad PBUH was going to offer Eid prayer. His companions were walking beside him. And saying takbir Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar (God is great, God is great). Everyone was excited they were dressed nicely and everyone had their perfume on. On his way, Prophet Muhammad PBUH saw a child sitting on the roadside and he has his face buried in his hands. And he was crying continuously. Prophet Muhammad PBUH stopped and told his companion to continue the walk to the mosque. And he will join them in a while.
            He went to the child who sat down next to him on the side of the street and he patted him on the back and enquired, “Young child why are you crying? So the young child says that today is the day of Eid. And all the young children are holding their father's hands and they're going for the Eid prayer.  My father was martyred in the Battle of Ohad.  I do not have a father and nobody is there to hold my hand on the way to Eid prayer.

Man who adopted the world. Muhammad PBUH

           Then Prophet Muhammad PBUH said to the child that if you are crying Mohammed would also not celebrate the day of Eid. And Prophet Muhammad PBUH held the hand of the child and said, “While all the children hold the hands of their fathers you will hold the hand of Prophet Muhammad PBUH”. And today onwards you will never say that you do not have a father.  Now today onwards Mohammed PBUH is your father and Aisha (Prophet Muhammad’s wife) is your mother. Prophet Muhammad walked with the child all the way to the Eid prayer. When Prophet Muhammad delivering khutba he had this child sit on his thigh and one other narration this child had set on his shoulders.
             The messenger PBUH though he was an orphan, had grown up and moved on in life and was married to the noblest, wealthy woman of Mecca. But that did not stop him PBUH for advocating for the orphans and for the poor. The prophet PBUH was a man who had all of his own agreements and his own affairs before becoming a prophet of Allah secured.
            He had nothing to worry abouin t all of his alliances but that did not stop him from being an activist for social change and trying to enact other alliances.  So that other tribes could come together. And attain the peace that he had attained in his life. And that continued after he became the messenger of Allah. After he received the revelation people that he could have easily turned away from and would have been justified according to society standards, but he did not turn a blind eye to them. 

Mercy to deformed one

Man who adopted the world. Muhammad PBUH

      Julaybib was ,  a man who suffered in every way that you could possibly suffer in that society. His name was Julaybib which means the deformed one. And his actual name is not known to us, nor is his father's name or his mother's name. So he suffered because of the way that he looked. He suffered because he was black. So he suffered from racism. He suffered from tribalism because he had no tribe. And he suffered from classism because he belonged to the lowest class in that society. The messenger of Allah Muhammad PBUH could have easily turned away from this young man and pretended that he didn't exist because as far as society was concerned he was invisible. 
          Julaybib lived such a miserable life that he used to hide out amongst the women before the verse of the Quran abouthe t veil (hijab) was revealed. Because he was so bullied amongst the man, And the messenger PBUH noticed him.  And the Prophet fights on every single time he saw him, he made it a point to try to lift his spirits. He took Jullaybib and got him married. He loaned money to Jullaybib. He asked about him. He showed the Companions that Jullaybib was special to him, even if they didn't care for him.

On the day of battle

          On the day of that battle when the prophet gathered everyone around and said, “Are you missing anyone oare r your family's missing anyone”?. Every one account for your tribe everyone accounts for your family. And everyone said we're good. We're not missing anyone. And the Prophet said,” but I'm missing Jullaybib. Where is Jullaybib?” And he found this young man. And this should give us a whole other dimension to black lives matter. And to the idea of the people that are neglected by society and whose lives are devalued meaning something to the Creator who created them in that fashion.

Man who adopted the world. Muhammad PBUH

         He finds Jullabib laying amongst seven of the enemies that he fought and was able to kill in that battle despite his stature. And the prophet PBUH kneeled over his body and cried. And he picked up Jullaybib with his arms. Think about that. Jullaybib is being held by the prophet.  He was so small that the messengers picked him up like a child. And the messenger cried and he looked to the heavens and he said,” O Allah, he is from me and I am from him. He is from me and I am from him. He is from me and I am from him”
        And the prophets laid him back on the ground and then he proceeded to dig his grave himself.  And then the prophets picked him up himself and put him in the grave and buried him. Abdullah bin Omar son of the second khalipha of Islam says, “what would I have done in this world and went through in this world to have the messenger of Allah PBUH say about me, “He is from me and I am from him”.  That is our messenger Muhammad PBUH.  A mercy to the world who cares about people that he could go on with his life and never have to worry about.
            Man who adopted the world Muhammad PBUH, mercy to deformed one of the society, mercy to the orphans. We will continue with some more glimpses of his life in the second part of this article.

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