Is Muhammad (pbuh) is the founder of Islam | When was it founded.

Is Muhammad PBUH is the founder of Islam

Quran in surah Al-Imran chapter 3 verse number 19 stated that "the only religion acceptable in the sight of God is Islam". That is peace acquired by submitting our will to God almighty.

Who is the founder of Islam? Is Muhammad PBUH is the founder of Islam and when was it founded? is a common question among people. God sent his message through prophets to human beings. 

Adam is the first prophet and Muhammad PBUH is the last prophet. Islam is a faith that has always existed and that it was gradually revealed to humanity by a number of prophets. 

However, the ultimate and complete revelation of the religion was delivered through the Prophet Muhammad PBUH within the seventh century CE. The Holy Book Quran is the last and final message of God for all mankind is a Muslim belief.

Who is the founder of Islam?

Quran in surah Al-Imran chapter 3 verse number 19 stated that the only religion acceptable in the sight of God is Islam. That is peace acquired by submitting our will to God almighty god only gave one religion to human beings.

It means it is clear that the founder of Islam is God himself. He gave us his teaching through prophets. Islam is not faith only; it is a way of life. It is a way how we should live our life on this earth, guidance for us.

The first human being is Adam, and he was a Muslim as well as a prophet, a messenger of God Almighty. God revealed his message to Adam. A big common misunderstanding among most of the people other than Muslims and even some Muslims also is that Muhammad PBUH is the founder of Islam

Muhammad PBUH is neither a founder of Islam nor the first prophet of Islam. Muhammad PBUH is the last and final prophet or messenger of Islam.

Why so many religions?

God, our Creator is one, the human body is the same since the creator has to be the same so why this different religion?  If we all human beings are the same, if human organs are the same, if the human body system follows the same heartbeats, blood flow the same blood, the same ear, the same nose, if everything is the same, and the Creator has to be the same, the supreme power is the same. So if the supreme power is the same why do so many religions exist on earth? This is the common question that arises in the mind of common human beings.

Is Muhammad PBUH is the founder of Islam

Almighty God has sent only one religion but he has sent many messengers. Like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc. The religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and all prophets was Islam of that time. 

They were Muslim, a prophet of Islam. God sent messengers who got messages. With the passage of time, the message got changed. Again a new messenger came he bought a fresh message. People changed it again. Again a new messenger came it happened for many years down the ages. 

But all the messengers bought the basic message was the same. Our Creator sent only one religion via human means kept on changing. Almighty God’s last and final message was the Quran.

Last and final message    

Allah who is our creator revealed his last and final message Quran. He knows very well that human beings would not be able to grasp the complete message of the Quran if it was revealed earlier 1450 years ago. 

Almighty God is our Creator he knows this time. The time has come for the human needs to understand the message. So that the reason previously he sent messages which were there but not complete.
Because human beings could not understand. Could not grasp, as the message change, he sent a new message to a new messenger. That the reason all the messages that came before the Quran were meant for a particular group of people.

And meant to be followed for a particular time period. All the messengers that came before the last and final messenger prophet Mohammed PBUH were only sent for a particular group of people. And we're meant to be followed until a new message came.

Why Quran is a final message?

Is Muhammad PBUH is the founder of Islam

Almighty God he knew 1450 years ago was the time when human beings can understand the final message of the Quran. He revealed it and he sent the last and final messenger prophet Muhammad PBUH. Since the Quran is the last and final message, it is not only meant for the Muslims or the Arabs. It isn't meant for one particular group of people, it is meant for the whole of humanity. 

All the messages that came before were meant for a particular group of people. And the message was supposed to be followed for a particular time period. Because Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the last and final messenger he was not sent only for the Muslims of the Arabs, he was sent for all of humanity.

Our God Almighty sent only one religion via human means, kept on changing. But even in the corrupted form, one belief is common in all religion’s scripture is there is one God. This is a major sign that the source of these all scripture is the same and it should be from God, our creator. 

All human beings should have one common religion, surrender to his will. So Muhammad PBUH is not a founder of Islam. He is not the only prophet of Islam. All messengers who came on this earth were Muslim. Their religion was Islam. The religion of Adam, Religion of Noah, Religion of Abraham, Religion of Moses, Religion of Jesus, and Religion of Muhammad peace be upon all of them.

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